Meet Andrew

One of Avondale House's long-time residential program participants

Avondale’s impact on individuals, like Andrew, has been truly transformative. This incredible organization has played a vital role in shaping Andrew’s life, turning him into a kind, confident, and happy 25-year-old man. Avondale’s unwavering support and patience have provided the stability that Andrew needed to thrive. Not only has Avondale positively influenced Andrew, but it has also elevated the overall quality of life for Andrew and his family, as confirmed by Andrew’s dad:

“When Andrew started at Avondale in 2007, he was 10 years old. Avondale has transformed Andrew into a kind, confident and happy 25 year old man and has provided the stability and patience Andrew has needed. The staff and clients at Avondale have become like family to us. They have given us back the wonderful son we always knew was there, but seldom got to see before he started at Avondale. Throughout the years, Avondale has given Andrew opportunities for many experiences… Little League Baseball, Upward Basketball, school socials and proms, just to name a few. His visits home are always great and he loves visiting his mom and I, but he’s also happy when it’s time to go back to the Avondale Group Home in which he lives. We like to say that Avondale is a place where miracles happen each day, not just for the young people that attend, but for their parents as well.”

– Andrew’s Dad