Little Achievements that Make Life Meaningful

Waking up in the morning and feeling like you have a purpose to your day or something to look forward to is essential to mental health. Our little achievements on a daily basis, such as driving to the store for groceries, brushing our teeth, or going on a daily walk, are, in fact, not that little, because those small achievements are what make life meaningful. It was a pure moment of joy when we got the opportunity to watch one of our young adult students find meaning in a “small” achievement. This young adult student, Ben, would watch his peers walk into town every week for lunch or shopping but couldn’t participate due to sensory processing limitations. But one Thursday morning, it was suggested that he try riding an adaptive adult tricycle into town instead of walking.

It is an understatement to say that we were all shocked when Ben took off on his bike with the biggest smile ever! He was finally able to navigate the streets of our small downtown area in a way that met his individual differences. Since then, he has been riding his adult tricycle, rain or shine. And his parents are looking into purchasing him one.


See Ben in action!